
About Mettle Media PR:

Members of the Press & Media are welcome to subscribe to the Mettle Media PR contact list to receive Artist Roster PR mailings.
Owned and operated by Leanne Ridgeway, Mettle Media PR [Mettle Media LLC] works primarily within the heavy underground music world, helping to guide bands and artists to the next step in their careers. There is no sales pitch, trendy buzzwords, or lofty claims. Mettle Media PR is simply a first step toward your goals for your music, in an affordable first experience of working with a publicist.
Every campaign plan is customized for each client and within their specific budget. There are no standard fee packages, as every client has different goals. You tell me your needs, and we plan your campaign together. It’s as straightforward as that.
Services include press release and bio or one-sheet writing, social media presence and engagement, tour planning or itineraries, website development, or general consulting on how to present your works to the public. This can be a one-time campaign, multi-month PR plan, or ongoing for continuous services over a longer time frame.
Mettle Media PR has a limited clientele, I don’t work with everyone who asks. It’s not about money, it’s about passion. I work with people who create the music I love to listen to, believe that music should be heard, and want to help you put your music in the hands of those who seek to hear it. However, this isn’t about me; it’s about your music. Let’s hear it.
If you have questions, ask!

Past and present PR or consulting with:
And others who wish to remain mysterious…
Before starting Mettle Media PR, my freelance or salaried work began in 1998. I was involved in public relations, marketing, merchandising, graphic design (advertisements, posters, cover art & layouts), web development, project management, and consulting with independent or label-represented music artists, music labels, small businesses, & individuals. These include: 1605 Records, Jagermusic, Drown, SiX, Famous, Loony Binn, Clutch, Tree, hedPE, Sick Life, Corporate Avenger, NetworkOmni Multilingual Communications, Albany Community Action Partnership, Rappazzo Law, and countless others.
In 2015, I returned to what I loved most. Music. – ljr
Mettle Media PR [Mettle Media LLC]
P.O. Box 786, Albany, NY 12201-0786
Email: Leanne[at]mettlemediapr.com